Yankee favorite by night, deadbeat dad by day
In one of the classier moves I've seen in a while, the Unit (scum-stauche, mullet and all) is now suing his ex-girlfriend for about 100 grand in child support payments previously paid for his love child. Although the deadbeat dad/Yankee favorite came to see the girl (who is now 16) shortly after she was born, that was the extent of his fatherly ambitions. Although he didn't want anything to do with her whatsoever, he did ever so graciously agree to pay child support and even a little extra that went towards his daughter's day-care costs. But, he is now suing because he claims he paid way too much in day-care costs ($750 per month), and even some after she no longer received those day-care services *gasp*.
So, the Yankees' #1 starter who is earning (or I should say "is being paid") a cool $16 mill this year is suing his shunned love-child and her middle class mom for a little less than $100K because he felt he did "too much". Wow, folks! His publicist sure is earning his money on this one. Nice work....way to make a private situation that's embarassing to your client dramatically worse.
Congrats Big Unit, you are officially dead to me now and rank one spot above Karl Malone on my most-hated list and one spot below Tom Wolfowitz and Hermann Goering.