Tuesday, May 09, 2006

More from Freakonomics

I came across an old article from one of the authors of Freakonomics, Stephen Dubner, that is worth checking out. The article describes the NFL's rookie symposium in pretty good detail. Although the story is from 2002, I am sure little has changed since then. Anyway, read the whole thing - it is pretty entertaining and also really interesting to read about the things they teach that the rest of us might consider common sense.

* I noticed something interesting at the beginning of the article that is unrelated to the overall theme. Dubner, while talking about recent scandals in sports (remember, the article was written in August of 2002), mentions the steroids scandal in baseball. I always found it interesting that everyone acted shocked and appalled when all the steroids stories broke in the winter of 2005 - as if we had no idea this was going on. It is little things like this that should remind all of the fans that we were turning a blind eye just like MLB was.


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